Some typical indicators that a letter or package may be considered suspicious:
- Foreign mail, air mail, and special delivery
- Packages or letters hand-delivered or dropped off for a friend
- Postmark or name of sender is unusual or unknown or no return address is given
- Excess postage on small package
- No postage or non-canceled postage
- The letter is lopsided or unusually thick or rigid.
- Inspect for lumps, bulges, or protrusions, without applying pressure.
- Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
- No return address or nonsensical return address
- Excessive securing material such as masking, strapping or electrical tape, string, etc. (Packages wrapped in string are automatically suspicious, as modern packaging materials have eliminated the need for twine or string.)
- Incorrect titles (Mr. when the correct title is Ms., etc.).
- Misspelling of common words
Look for:
- Protruding wires, screws, or tinfoil, or oily stains or discolorations
- Any foreign writing, addresses, or postage
- Distractions such as labels that state Fragile, Rush, Handle with Care, etc.
- Handwritten notes, saying: "To Be Opened in the Privacy Of," "Care Of," "Confidential," "Your Lucky Day is Here," "Prize Enclosed," etc.
- Letters or packages that arrive before or after a phone call from an unknown person asking if the item was delivered
When in Doubt: Call the Hunter College Department of Public Safety at 212-772-4444 or extension 4444 from the 68th Street Campus.