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Agendas and Minutes 1991-1992

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05-20-92 Minutes

President Le Clerc announced to the body that the honorary doctorates will be offered at this year's commencement and gave accolades to Professor Elizabeth Beaujour for becoming the new chair of the Hunter Senate. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (announced the upcoming senate meeting schedules and the approved curriculum changes; revised the course repeat rule and the election of the new Senate Officers on the Administrative Committee). The body continued the discussion of the consideration of pluralism and diversity requirement proposal and moved that the Senate endorse the commitment to 9 credits required for students in courses dealing with diversity and pluralism to be carried over to the next meeting.

05-13-92 Minutes

President Le Clerc presented his thoughts on the proposal to the change in Hunter Curricula and the addition of the 9 credits to the distribution requirement. committee Reports: UCSC (presented on proposal for a pluralism and diversity requirement).


Report by the President. A discussion was held on the budget situation of the college, the upcoming raises in tuition, and general fiscal concerns of the college for the Fall of 1992. A discussion was held by the body to encourage community members to encourage opportunities for African American students in the college similarly to the way it has with immigrant groups in the past and to alter tuition increases for incoming student who are challenged with disproportion obstacles. A discussion followed on the concern of the employment of a police force in the college. The body resolved that the Hunter Senate stands opposed to the tuition increase and urged the Board of Trustees to reject the proposal and resolved that the state and city government need to appropriate funding so that a tuition increase would not be necessary.


Report by the President. Report by the Ombudsman on the use of his position by the college, and his ability to mediate. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (report on approved curriculum); Nominating Committee (approved elected committee members). Motion was brought to the floor regarding the approval of the "Test Scale"and its numerical equivalent to the approved Plus/Minus Grading System and GPA values. The Senate Resolved issues related to the Plus/Minus Grading System. An administrative committee was created to deal with the consequences of the plus minus grading system and its effect on students.


Report by the President regarding the recent endowments given to the college as well as his recent meetings in Albany on topics of the college's fiscal situation. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reported on approved curriculum changes and an update to the body regarding the evening Deans Hour Survey Results). A proposal was brought to the floor regarding the Plus/Minus Grading System.


President Le Clerc reported on the recent ribbon cutting ceremony, which opened up the Writing Center and updated the body on the happenings of the Day Care Center and the Dolciani Math Center at Hunter College. He informed the body on how this effected our budget situation and the college's strategic plan. An Open Discussion was held regarding the Plus/Minus Grading System.


President Le Clerc updated the body on accomplishments amongst faculty, students, and departments, as well as the fundraising and fiscal happenings in the college. Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (presented the calendar proposal for 92-93). The President's Commission on Campus Climate reported on the Structure and Process for Dialogue and Action amounts in order to build a stronger community.


Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (noted approved curriculum changes). The Discussion of the Plus/Minus Grading System continued from the last meeting and a motion by Professor Polsky was approved by hand vote to carry over the conversation to a formal meeting in February because of the need for a small study on the impact that this change would have if faculty would grade in both systems.

12-4-91 Minutes

President Le Clerc reported on the recent gifts to the college as well as updates on the CUNY budget. The "College Preparatory Initiative" proposal was brought to the floor for discussion. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Professor Michael Turner discussed a report regarding the implementation of evening Deans hours; additional nominations for vacant seats of the Senate were presented and approved curriculum changes were noted); Nominating Committee (presented the slate for the Senate seats that are currently vacant); UARC (presented on the resolution for student class schedules). A discussion was held regarding the Plus/Minus Grading System lead by Professor Beaujour.

11-06-91 Minutes

President Le Clerc reported on personnel matters. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (request to fill vacant seats of the Senate). A motion was put to the floor on Professor Gilpatricks resolution and Professor Polsky moved the substitute motion to incorporate issues relating to diversity and pluralism into the graduate curriculum. The motion as approved by a hand vote. Professor Weinberg moved that the Senate reconsider implementing a Plus/Minus Grading System and the motion was approved by a hand vote. The Ombudsman election was held and Professor Di Scipio was elected.

10-23-91 Minutes

The candidates for the Election of the Ombudsman were announced and the election was scheduled for November 6th. The special election to fill vacant seats of the Senate as well as the approved curriculum changes were announced. A report by the Chair of the Presidential Commission on Campus Climate was presented on the values of the college as well as the importance of opening up a discourse amongst the body to discuss issues of difference and the factors that enhance and impede achievement in the schools community. Professor Gilpatrick presented a resolution to recommend that all graduate programs reflect relevant issues of pluralism and diversity in each discipline.

10-09-91 Minutes

President Le Clerc reported to the Senate regarding the budget for the present academic year and how it has affected staff and faculty of the college as well as students. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (announced elections to fill vacant seats in the Senate). The candidates for the Ombudsman election presented briefly, the election resulted in a deadlock and a reopening of the nominations were ordered.


President LeClerc presented his report on goals for Hunter College for this upcoming academic year and introduced the establishment of the Presidential Commission on Campus Climate. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (announced the candidates for the Ombudsman election and nominations for committee chairs). Report by the Chair of the President's Task force on Pluralism and Diversity presented recommendation for the diversity requirement.

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