The faculty of the Classics Division are dedicated scholars who have a wide variety of interests, publications, and professional activities.
Full-Time Faculty

Andrea Kouklanakis
Associate Professor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Education
- PhD, Harvard University, Classical Philology
- Specialties
- Homeric Poetry, Latin Literature,
- Classical Receptions in Afro-Latin America, Comparative Studies of Ancient and Modern Slavery
- Office
- 68th Street West 1402
- Phone
- 212-772-4787
- akouklan@hunter.cuny.edu

Lawrence Kowerski
Associate Professor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Education
- PhD, Classics, Rutgers University
- Specialties
- Greek History and Historiography, Early Greek poetry (elegy and lyric), Greek Papyrology
- Office
- 68th Street West 1403
- Phone
- 212-772-5007
- lkowersk@hunter.cuny.edu

David Petrain
Department Chair, MA Advisor, and Associate Professor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Education
- PhD, Classical Philology, Harvard University
- Specialties
- Latin Poetry, Hellenistic Greek Literature, Roman Visual Culture
- Office
- 68th Street West 1435
- Phone
- 212-772-5181
- David.Petrain@hunter.cuny.edu

Maria Sarais
Doctoral Lecturer
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Office
- 68th Street West 1435B
- Phone
- 212-772-4787
- maria.sarais@hunter.cuny.edu

Joanne Spurza
Classics Division Head and Associate Professor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Education
- PhD, Princeton University
- Specialties
- Ancient Roman Art, Archaeology, Architecture, and Urban Design
- Office
- 68th Street West 1427
- Phone
- 212-772-4962
- jmspurza@hunter.cuny.edu

Bronwen Wickkiser
Solomon Bluhm Professor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Office
- 68th Street West 1427A
- Phone
- 212-772-4960
- bronwen.wickkiser@hunter.cuny.edu
Adjunct Faculty
Noah Davies-Mason
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- Specialties
- Ancient Philosophy, Hellenistic Poetry, Pastoral Poetry, Didactic Poetry, Epicureanism, Cynicism, Neoplatonism
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- ndaviesmason@gradcenter.cuny.edu
Kathleen Durkin
Adjunct Lecturer
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Education
- MA, Hunter College
- Specialties
- Latin Pedagogy
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- kdurkin@hunter.cuny.edu
Timothy Hanford
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Education
- PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- Specialties
- Senecan Tragedy, Latin Pedagogy
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- thanford@hunter.cuny.edu
Patricia Hatcher
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- phatcher@hunter.cuny.edu
Victoria Jansson
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- vj348@hunter.cuny.edu
Brian Kunkel
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Bluhm Scholars Program Coordinator
- Education
- PhD, Temple University
- Specialties
- Art and Archaeology of the Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, Socio-Political Evolution
- and State Formation in Minoan Crete
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- bkunkel@hunter.cuny.edu
Eleftheria Kallimani
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- M.A., M.Ed., National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Specialties
- Greek Tragedy, Mythology, Pedagogy of Classics
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- ek3638@hunter.cuny.edu
Shawna Leigh-Roberts
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Education
- PhD, University of Pennsylvania
- Specialties
- Classical Archaeology, Ancient Technology, Ancient City Planning
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- sle0100@hunter.cuny.edu
Sara Levi
Adjunct Associate Professor
- Education
- PhD, Università Sapienza Roma
- Specialties
- Mediterranean Prehistory, Archaeometry, Field Archaeology
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- sl1889@hunter.cuny.edu
Rama Madhu
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- MA, Latin, Hunter College
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- rmadhu@hunter.cuny.edu
Melissa Marturano
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Education
- PhD, CUNY Graduate Center
- Specialties
- Ancient Greek and Roman gender and Sexuality Studies, Ovid, Reception
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- mm6384@hunter.cuny.edu
Louise Michaud
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- MA, Hunter College
- Specialties
- Roman Military, Latin Pedagogy, Educational Technology
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- lmichaud@hunter.cuny.edu
Alessandra Migliara
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- Specialties
- Greek Drama, Second Sophistic, Literary Theory, Ancient and Modern Fantastic Literature
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- am3949@hunter.cuny.edu
Thomas Moody
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- Specialties
- Plato, Ancient Philosophy, and Urban Theory
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- tm1854@hunter.cuny.edu
Katrina Moore
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- PhD Student, The Graduate Center, CUNY. MA, Clemson University
- Specialties
- The Roman Republic and Early Empire, Gender, and Identity
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- km3643@hunter.cuny.edu
Aaron Poochigian
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Education
- PhD Classics, University of Minnesota. MFA Poetry, Columbia University
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- ap5448@hunter.cuny.edu
Joseph S. Salemi
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Curriculum Vitae
- Click Here to Read CV
- Education
- PhD, New York University
- Specialties
- Renaissance English Literature, Neo-Latin Literature, Rhetoric
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- js51@nyu.edu
Georgios Spiliotopoulos
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Education
- PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- Specialties
- Poetry (especially Homer), Attic tragedy, Papyrology
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- gs1419@hunter.cuny.edu
Elias J. Theodoracopoulos
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- BA, MPhil, PhD cand., Columbia University
- Specialties
- Greek and Latin languages and literatures (all genres and periods), esp. Greek Tragedy & Comedy;
- The Western Classical Tradition; Historical Linguistics
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- ejtheod@hunter.cuny.edu
Marina Thomatos
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Education
- PhD, University of Edinburgh
- Specialties
- Archaeology of the Mediterranean, Aegean Prehistory, Greek Bronze and Iron Age
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
- mthomato@hunter.cuny.edu
John Young
Adjunct Lecturer
- Education
- MA, Hunter College. PhD student, CUNY Graduate Center, Graduate Teaching Fellow
- Office
- 68th Street West 1431
Affiliated Faculty
Protected: Hendrik Dey
Professor and Associate Chair for Art History
In Memoriam

William Mayer
Professor Emeritus
William J. Mayer was a professor emeritus in the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies.
More About William Mayer