Classics-Related Websites
New York Classical Club (NYCC) hosts three lectures/conferences a year, runs a job board for secondary-school teachers in the tri-state metro area, and offers prizes/scholarships to those who have been members for three years or more. Membership costs only $5.00/year for students and seniors.(
The New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium is a lecture series organized by Robert Koehl, Professor of Classics at Hunter College. Monthly lectures, open to interested individuals, are presented by specialists in the Aegean Bronze Age. Most of the lectures are held at New York University's Institute of Fine Arts, 1 East 78th Street (at the corner of 5th Avenue). To inquire about the lectures, or to have your name put on the e-mail list, contact Professor Robert Koehl. (
The Classical Association of the Empire State (CAES) is an organization for teachers/professors of Greek and Latin and those interested in promoting the study of the classical languages and civilizations throughout New York State. (
The Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS) is an organization open to teachers, professors and students/lovers of Classics throughout the Atlantic States. CAAS also offers regional placement services for Latin and Greek teachers in the secondary schools. (
The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) is another regional organization devoted to the Classics. (
The Women's Classical Caucus (WCC) sponsors a newsletter and presents panels aimed at incorporating feminist and gender-informed perspectives in the study and teaching of all aspects of ancient Mediterranean cultures, particularly the study of women in classical antiquity. (
The American Classical League (ACL) is a great organization for Classics teachers. ACL provides a list of undergraduate programs and secondary-school programs in Classics; a national placement service for secondary-school Latin and Greek teachers; links to Latin texts and teaching tools on the Web; and sites devoted to Classics and education. (
The American Philological Association (APA) is the principal learned society of North America devoted to the study and advancement of Classics. The APA offers a placement service for university teachers of Greek, Latin, and the Classics. Its website provides links to a host of Classics organizations, journals, online resources, and educational books on teaching/studying the Classics. (
Archaeological Institute of American (AIA) is the oldest and largest archaeological organization in North America. The AIA website provides lists of archaeological sites on the Web, and specifies which sites are meant for (1) teachers and students, (2) middle-school students, and (3) general use. (