Creation of a cutting-edge radiochemistry lab supporting the safe and efficient research in this burgeoning research field.
This renovated space includes offices, a seminar room and new laboratories for anthropology faculty and students.
By replacing existing hot water heaters with a more advanced heating system in the West Building, Hunter will save energy and costs.
Renovations to Hunter’s world class Dance Department studios continue with a new sprung flooring system, ballet barres and technology in the Floria.
This specialized library for art, art history and film students serves as a space where they can socialize, collaborate, study and learn.
Utility upgrades and newly designed work and storage stations turned this former office into a custom-built research lab.
Replacing this building’s roof with new, more advanced materials will result in significant heating and cooling efficiencies.
Theatergoers now enter this historic playhouse through new doors that open automatically.
The relocation and renovation of student restrooms in Thomas Hunter Hall make them more accessible and environmentally friendly.
Renovations to the Music Department’s rehearsal space allows for opera, band and choir performances, a new surround system and recording station.
Newly renovated lounges on each floor of the West Building give students a welcoming space to hang out in between classes.
As part of the Office of the Arts, this inviting lounge serves as both a social and information hub for students interested in the arts.
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