Help Your Lab Go Green!
To join the Hunter Green Labs Initiative, laboratories must complete a Pre-Assessment Survey with the assistance of a PI or any other lab staff personnel able to adequately answer and fill out questions regarding their current lab practices and policies. The self-assessment questionnaire evaluates laboratories’ sustainable practices across several key areas, including:
- Energy Consumption
- Waste & Recycling
- Purchasing
- Water Conservation
After completing the pre-assessment, your laboratory will receive a preliminary score with an associated Green Labs participant designation level. (Scores from the pre-assessment survey will be normalized to take into consideration items that may not apply to a particular laboratory).
Laboratories can then earn additional points by regularly auditing their current practices and spaces — and reporting new sustainable actions and activities that has been implemented into their lab. The Hunter College Sustainability Council will work one-on-one with each lab to recommend a considered set of next steps, help introduce new sustainable actions, and facilitate reporting. Each new sustainable practice is assigned a point value based on its impact, cost, and ease of implementation.
The goal is to earn as many points as possible and advocate for every feasible opportunity a campus laboratory has to become more sustainable with their activities, purchases, and decisions!