Our focus on transportation includes efforts and strategies to promote the use of fuel-efficient vehicles, encourage ridership of mass transit and promote more bicycle use.
Actions and Activities
Hunter College is a participating institution in the New Jersey Transit's University Partnership Program (UPP), where full-time students are eligible to receive a 25% discount on monthly NJ Transit passes.
Hunter College's Office of Public Safety regularly uses bicycles instead of patrol vehicles to visit the other satellite campuses when making security rounds.
Repurposing Vehicles: Following purchase of a new passenger van to transport Hunter's Athletics sports teams to competition venues, the college repurposed the older van and granted use over to Hunter's Facilities Department, opting to divert from landfill and to extend the vehicular life.
Bicycle racks are conveniently provided at the main entrances to all the campus buildings. Standardized signage is posted at each area to inform and direct the Hunter community where their bikes may be safely locked while on campus.
Our expectations to go further and greener include these transportation goals from our Sustainability Plan:
- Research the market opportunities for large-scale fuel efficient vehicles for procurement potential of the Hunter campus fleet.
- Raise awareness of Transit Discount Programs available to the Hunter community.
- Launch seasonal general transportation surveys to campus community to facilitate Hunter incentives and educational tools for rider safety, visibility and security.
- Alleviate congestion during peak times with promotional campaign increasing usage of stairs.
- Create a de facto position on the Sustainability Council for a representative from External Affairs Office.