Actions and Inquiries
Hunter College and the Hunter College Campus Schools (HCCS) are committed to protecting the rights of every member of our community. Consistent with the rule of law, Hunter College/HCCS does not permit law enforcement agents, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel, to enter our properties except when compelled to do so by law.
Hunter College/HCCS must honor valid judicial warrants, court orders, and subpoenas. Because it is difficult for an untrained person to determine the validity of such documents, it is vitally important any warrant, court order, or subpoena presented by law enforcement seeking access to Hunter College/HCCS facilities or records be reviewed by the Hunter College Office of Legal Affairs before taking any action in response to law-enforcement officials, including ICE personnel. Below is a summary of the protocol for Public Safety staff stationed at Hunter College/HCCS points of entry to follow if such personnel request access to any Hunter College/HCCS facility or student or employee records.