I. Introduction
The purpose of Hunter College's missing persons procedures is to establish official notification procedures for missing students who reside in on-campus housing and to ensure that a student who resides in on-campus housing is informed of his or her options and rights under section 485 (j) of the Higher Education Act (1).
II. Definition of Missing Person
For the purposes of these procedures, a student is deemed a “missing person” when the student is a current on-campus resident and he or she has been unreachable for more than 24 hours without any known reason.
III. Definition of On-Campus Housing
For the purposes of these procedures, “on-campus housing” is defined as student housing in residence halls operated by Hunter College (CUNY) or operated by a private management company on behalf of Hunter College.
IV. Designation of Emergency Contact
Each Hunter student who resides in on-campus housing must identify a contact individual (“emergency contact”) who will be contacted no later than 24 hours from the time that the student is determined missing. A student may designate his or her emergency contact on the application materials for residence in on-campus housing. A student’s designated emergency contact information will be kept confidential and will be retained by the Office of Residence Life and the Office of Public Safety. The emergency contact information will be used only when the student is determined to be a missing person or in other emergency situations. Students who are under the age of 18 and are not emancipated must designate an emergency contact. However, in the event that such a student is determined to be a missing person, the campus must, in addition to providing notice to the emergency contact, also notify the student’s custodial parent or legal guardian, if the parent or guardian is not listed as the emergency contact, no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. A student’s designation of an emergency contact will remain in effect until changed or revoked by the student.
V. Notification
A. Generally
Any individual on campus who has information that a student who is an on-campus housing resident may be missing must notify Hunter College’s Office of Public Safety as quickly as possible. Upon receipt of such notification, the Office of Public Safety must contact Hunter College’s director of the Office of Residence Life to aid in the search of the student.
If, after investigation, the Office of Public Safety determines that the student is missing, it must, after consultation with the Division of Student Affairs, designate a campus official to contact the missing student’s emergency contact. This contact must be initiated no later than 24 hours after the time the student is determined missing. The designated campus official at Hunter College is the director of the Office of Residence Life and, in his or her absence, the associate director of the Office of Residence Life or the associate dean for the Division of Student Affairs.
Hunter College Office of Public Safety – 212-772-4444
Joseph D.Foelsch, Jr., Director
Hunter College Office of Residence Life – 212-396-7130
Luis E. Roldan, Director
Joanna Siwiec, Associate Director
Hunter College Division of Student Affairs – 212-772-4878
Leslie Ader, Associate Dean – 212-772-4918
B. Missing Persons Under the Age of 18
If the student who is determined to be missing is under 18 and not emancipated, the designated campus official must, in addition to contacting the emergency contact, immediately contact the missing student’s parent or legal guardian, if the parent or guardian is not listed as the emergency contact.
C. Missing Persons Without a Reachable Designated Emergency Contact
If the missing student’s emergency contact is not reasonably reachable, the designated campus official must inform the New York City Police Department that the student is missing. Such notification must be done no later than 24 hours after the time the student is determined missing.
(1) Higher Education Opportunity Act Section 485(j) Pub. L No. 110-315 (2008).