Returning users:
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Click on Forgot Username or Forgot Password options on log-in screen.
First Time Users:
Visit the CUNYfirst log-In page, then click the New User link.
If you need assistance accessing or claiming your CUNYfirst account review this User Guide or please contact the ICIT Student Help Desk via email at or call (212) 650-3624.
All official Hunter College emails will be sent to you at your school email address. Please be sure to check your account regularly.
Email addresses follow this format: first.lastXX followed by
The web-based system, called @MyHunter, is powered by Microsoft Office365. Log into your Office365 Account
Need Help with @MyHunter (Office 365) Student Email? View this helpful page →
Please contact the ICIT Student Help Desk via email at or call (212) 650-3624 for further assistance with Office365.
Log into Office365All Hunter College students are required to submit proof of immunizations to Immunization Records. If you have questions regarding vaccine requirements visit the site below.
Visit Immunization RecordsIf you plan to take more than 12 credits at Hunter College and you have not earned a U.S. baccalaureate degree, you must satisfy CUNY's proficiency requirements.
Transcript must be submitted by logging into CUNYfirst and selecting Student Center > Student Tools > Document Upload. Then send an email to including your full name and CUNYfirst ID# letting us know of your submission.
CUNY Proficiency RequirementsPre-Requisites
Some courses may require the completion of pre-requisite coursework prior to registering. Pre-requisites are indicated at the end of the course description as listed in the Hunter College Course Catalog or on the Registrar’s website. In most cases, if you do not have completed pre-requisites, you will not be granted approval by the department to register for the course. Please contact individual departments for more info.
Credit Evaluation for Non-Degree Students
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions does not evaluate previous college coursework or grant course approval for non-degree students. Course approval is granted solely at the discretion of the individual academic department.
To request course approval, you may be required to submit your academic record and either a course description or course syllabus to the department directly.
Contact the individual academic department for more information.
IMPORTANT: Enrollment in Hunter College as a non-degree student does not guarantee specific course registration nor does it imply a guarantee of matriculation in a later term.
To register, log into your CUNYfirst Student Center to see your individual enrollment appointment time and to search for courses. To access your Student Center, log into CUNYfirst, select Campus Solutions from the first menu, then click on Self Service.
Important: Enrollment in any course is based on space availability and eligibility. Readmission does not guarantee enrollment. As students add and drop courses throughout the registration period, courses that may have previously been closed may re-open. Please check your account frequently for the most up-to-date course availability.
You will pay an application, program fees and tuition after registration. Proof of residency may be requested to obtain the NYS tuition rate.
NOTE: Failure to enroll for the semester in which you are readmitted will result in the need to reapply if attendance is desired in a future semester.