If you have not done so already, complete and submit a copy of the CUNY Special Programs Transfer Request Form to SEEK, which verifies your participation in a previous opportunity program.
You may obtain a copy of the form by contacting your previous college opportunity program office or your previous counselor. Please note that acceptance to Hunter College does not guarantee acceptance to SEEK at Hunter.
Special Programs Transfer RequestAfter you have received and reviewed your offer of admission to SEEK, your first step is to commit to Hunter College via your CUNYfirst account.
Your commitment informs us that you intend to enroll in Hunter College as a SEEK transfer student in the semester you were admitted (Fall or Spring).
Commit to Hunter College via CUNYfirstMeet with a financial aid counselor in the Office of Financial Aid to confirm you have submitted all of the appropriate financial documentation. Also, if you have not already done so, remember to list Hunter College as a college choice on your FAFSA and TAP applications.
Meet with Financial AidThe transfer credit evaluation process can take 3-4 weeks after your commitment has been received. Once completed and ready for review, you will be notified via email.
Be sure to add admissions@hunter.cuny.edu and seek@hunter.cuny.edu to your safe senders list so you don't miss this and other important emails.
More About Transfer Credit EvaluationsPrior to the start of the semester, you are strongly encouraged to meet with a SEEK Counselor to review your transcript evaluation and ensure that your records and registration are finalized by the seventh (7th) day of classes.
Meet With a SEEK CounselorTo participate in SEEK at Hunter, admitted transfer students must attend the SEEK Transfer Orientation. During the Orientation, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the Hunter College campus and culture. You will learn more about campus resources and departments, as well as meet other SEEK transfer students.
RSVP for SEEK Orientation