Research Opportunities
The following students are working intensively with Professor Susan Epstein under the auspices of The National Science Foundation, and making important contributions to a system that learns to have an intelligent dialogue.
- Georgina Woo
Professor Epstein is now seeking a few additional undergraduate researchers. If you are a strong student, have completed 135, and want to spend at least a year learning about artificial intelligence, please contact her or drop by during her office hours. Some funding may be available. Interested parties are invited to contact Professor Epstein at the coordinates listed on her home page.
Computer Vision & Robotics Lab
Professor Stamos‘ current research interests are in the broad idea of 3D processing, classification and identification from range and image data.
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Lab
Professor Anita Raja conducts research at the intersection of bounded rationality, distributed problem solving and artificial intelligence. the DAIR Lab, directed by Professor Raja is concerned with design and development of intelligent single and multi-agent systems.
The following undergraduate lab members conduct research in distributed computing, machine learning, complex networks and more:
- Umar Faruque
- Justin Gbadamassi
- Alisa Leshchenko
Professor Sarah Ita Levitan’s research interests are spoken language processing, the study of non-verbal aspects of speech. Her recent projects include detecting deceptive and trustworthy language, detecting misinformation and hate speech in social media, funded by NSF and Google Cyber NYC respectively. The following undegraduate students are working alongside Professor Levitan to make this happen.
- Nicholas Cheung
- Ghazanfar Shahbaz
Professor Lie Xie’s research is at the intersection of machine learning, bioinformatics, as well as drug discovery. The research interests of the Xie Lab consists of developing novel methods in Artificial Language and Machine Learning and applying them to advancing biomedicine.
The PrOgramming laNguages anD software Engineering Research Lab (PONDER)
Professor Raffi Khatchadourian is currently seeking highly-motivated doctor’s, master’s and undergraduate students interested in high-impact research. Research interests lay in the areas of Programming Languages, Software Engineering Systems and Data Science. If interested, please fill out this form.