Sustainability Success
A sample of Hunter Green's achievements so far include:
- A $20M+ savings in energy costs over the last 8 years, representing a nearly 18% peak reduction in energy use intensity (EUI) — and a 48% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels.
- LEED Certification of the Silberman School of Social Work.
- ACHIEVER-level designation from NYSERDA’s REV Campus Challenge, recognizing campus progress toward reducing GHG emissions. NYSERDA is New York State’s official energy and research authority.
- Water bottle filling stations eliminating more than 19 million (and counting) plastic water bottles from the NYC waste stream.
- A comprehensive energy assessment of 68th campus buildings and infrastructure.
- Continual integration of facility best practices minimizing energy consumption and intensity, including light timers, digitized controls, hot and chilled water temperature adjustments, and utilization of “waste” heat & steam for reuse in building operations.