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Hunter College student governments charter over 100 clubs each year. There is probably a club, or more than one, for you. If not, apply to start a new club to break new ground, share your passions, and create a lasting legacy.
Applying to Become a New Club
Important Points to Remember When Applying:
The governing bodies are highly selective when chartering new clubs. They are reluctant to charter clubs whose mission is similar in nature to an existing club. If you choose to apply to charter a new club please make sure that you have a clear mission and you demonstrate how this club will benefit the students of Hunter College.
The Office of Student Activities will not register sports clubs, military or semi-military clubs, clubs that violate policies, guidelines, rules and laws, or any club whose activities pose a significant risk to students. Hunter College prohibits all student groups/clubs from traveling internationally.
Club Name Policy – When referring to your club, organization or publication in advertisements and official documents, please use your official club name and refrain from preceding your club name with “Hunter” or “Hunter College.”
Hunter College prohibits all student groups/clubs from traveling internationally.
Incorrect Naming
Correct Naming
Hunter Accounting Club
Accounting Society of Hunter
Hunter College Accounting Club
Accounting Society of Hunter College
New Club Petition
All new clubs must obtain at least 25 signatures for the petition to charter. Please use the Google Doc linked below.
The petition must be attached to the Student Club Registration Form on the registration instruction page. Please review instructions at the link below.
The Club Newsletter offers updated information on events, programming and policies. You can also find guidelines for planning your meetings, activities and parties, food service, off-campus trips, and tips for advertising and promoting your club.
If you intend to apply to charter a new club or register a returning club, you should appoint a contact person who will keep members and officers updated on the process for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year. Please complete the form below.