Free. Accessible. Period.
Don’t let Mother Nature ruin your day.
You can pick up free menstrual essentials at our counter on the 3rd floor, North Building
Distribution Dates
Starts at noon, lasts until all products are distributed
- September 17, 24
- October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
- November 5, 12, 19, 26
- December 3, 10
Promo Item Dates
On these dates, we will also include giveaways to promote the Purple PEERiod Project.
- October 15
- November 12
Pads and tampons are also available in these locations:
- Female and gender-neutral bathrooms (when the campus is open)
- Office of Student Activities — Room 202 Thomas Hunter Hall, during office hours
- Undergraduate Student Government — Room 201 Thomas Hunter Hall, during business hours
The Purple PEERiod Project is funded by Student Activity fees.