Location: San Jose, Costa Rica
Dates: June 26 - July 27, 2025
Credits Offered: 6 Credits: SPAN 210 (3 credits) and PH 40058 (3 credits)
Application Deadline: March 14, 2025
Program Fee: $4,675 (estimate) includes tuition, homestay housing and partial board, cultural activities, excursions, arrival/departure assistance and international health and travel insurance. AIRFARE is NOT included in the program fee. All students are responsible for arriving at their study abroad location by the first day of the program.
Payment Schedule: $350 application fee and deposit is due by March 28, 2025. Tuition in the amount of $1,830 (undergraduate, in-state rate for 6 credits) will be billed and collected by the Bursar’s office. $2,495 (remaining program fee balance; estimate) is due April 18, 2025. Payments must be made with certified check or money order. No cash, personal checks, or credit cards. Payments should be made at the Office of Education Abroad during office hours.
Students are responsible for meeting the payment deadline regardless of funding source, i.e. Macaulay Opportunities Fund, scholarships, loans, or any other type of financial aid. Late fees will be applied to all delayed payments.
Financial Aid: Please be sure to meet with the Financial Aid Office to discuss your particular financial aid package.
Scholarships: Students interested in applying for the Gilman scholarship should email Stephen Lassonde at
In addition to the Gilman Scholarship, students should visit our Scholarships and Finances page for more opportunities.