All Hunter faculty, staff and students receive an email account automatically. Email is provided by different services and platforms depending on user category.
Email Accounts
Student Email & Microsoft Office
Every Hunter student is provided a Hunter College email address that follows this format:
- CUNYfirst username followed by*
- e.g.,
Hunter College's web-based email system is powered by Microsoft Office 365.
Access to email is provided several ways:
- Microsoft Outlook (or other email client)
- Web Access via Microsoft Login
- Outlook Mobile (or other mobile mail app)
- Email Storage 25GB (Max message size 25MB)
- Contacts
- Calendar
- Integration of email, calendar and contacts
- Microsoft Outlook Web App
- Mobile-friendly
- Spam and virus protection
Students also get a professional-looking email address they can keep after they graduate from Hunter and use on their resume while applying for jobs and internships.
Access is granted to actively registered students until graduation and committed alumni who consistently log in. It is imperative to uphold access to your account by logging in every six months. Failure to do so may result in account termination upon the conclusion of active student role, be it through college withdrawal or prolonged inactivity. For alumni, sustaining My Hunter email support is contingent on the determined use of your account post-graduation. Ensure your access remains uninterrupted through regular and proactive engagement.
Gain access to Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, as well as your student email (through Outlook), through your My Hunter Office 365 account. Use these programs online or download them to your computer.
- Log into your Student Office 365 account using your My Hunter email address ( and password.
- To log in, you'll need to complete Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) to verify your identity. Watch a demonstration.
To download your free copy of Microsoft Office, have your My Hunter email credentials ready and complete the following steps (you can download up to 5 copies on your PCs, Macs, and other mobile devices including Windows tablets and iPads).
From your computer:
- Sign into your email account at:
- Click on the Settings icon in the top right corner.
- Select Office 365 settings in the drop-down menu.
- Click on Software on the settings page.
- Select your language preference (below the install button).
- Click on Install Now.
From your mobile device:
- Open your mobile device app store.
- Search and select your desired Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote).
- Click Download to install the application.
- Once installed, launch the application.
- Go to your Account Settings and sign in using your My Hunter Student email credentials.
If you have further questions about installing your complimentary copy of Microsoft Office, please refer to this Install Office Guide.
Note: Upon graduation or departure from the college, the complimentary student license for Microsoft Office will cease. There is a 30-day grace period after losing the student role, during which the Office applications will transition to a read-only mode with restricted functionality, necessitating a personal purchase for continued access.
Faculty and Staff Email
As a CUNY Employee, you are assigned a single CUNY M365 Email account with a Hunter specific email alias address. If you are affiliated with multiple CUNY campuses, then you may have multiple email addresses, but you would access the email account in the same manner.
Your CUNY M365 account will remain with you for the duration of your employment/affiliation with CUNY, however, your campus-specific email address will exist only for the duration of your affiliation with that specific campus.
To access your M365 Email account, you will need to use your CUNYfirst login credentials which will look similar to: (## being the last 2 or 3 digits of your EMPLID). To access Hunter email, you must log in to your Microsoft O365 account and setup Multi-Factor Authentication.
As a Hunter employee, you will also receive a local Active Directory account known as your NetID. The College Active Directory (AD) Domain Services is the core of Hunter College’s login Infrastructure. It provides authentication and authorization services as well as LDAP and web-services-based directory services, and is an alias to your main CUNY email account. Mail can be received and sent from your FirstName.LastName followed by, e.g., or your Hunter NetID followed by, e.g.,
NetID Central is a website that will let you change or reset your password and manage your NetID account information. Learn More about what you can do with your NetID.
Email accounts are automatically created once the Office of Human Resources (HR) has fully processed your paperwork. If for some reason your email account hasn't been created yet, please do as follows:
- Follow up with HR and your department to ensure your paperwork has been processed.
- Fill out and return the NetID Creation Request Form. It is required that a letter of approval from the department head/chair be included with the form.
The completed form must be dropped off in-person at the Help Desk (68th Street campus), or faxed to the number on the bottom of the form. Forms are not accepted via email.
- To update your email address, log into your CUNYfirst account.
- From the Enterprise menu, select HR/Campus Solutions. A new window will open. (Due to the complexity of the system, you may see limited information or information not relevant to you in the Self Service menu.)
View or update your email address by using either of the following two methods:
- Self Service > Personal Information > Personal Information Summary and select the Change Email Addresses tab
- Self Service > Personal Information > Email Addresses
The email addresses page is displayed. Please review and verify your information.
Add New
Follow instructions for View/Update then:
- Select Add an Email Address.
- Under Email Type, select a type that’s not already being used.
- Enter a valid email address.
- Save and click Ok on the Save Confirmation page.
Follow instructions for View/Update then:
- Type over the existing email address you want to modify in the Email Address field.
- Save and click Ok on the Save Confirmation page.
Follow instructions for View/Update then:
- Click the Delete button on the email address you wish to delete
- On the confirmation page, click Yes-Delete.
- Save and click Ok on the Save Confirmation page.
Note: CUNYfirst will only send email communication and email notifications to your college email account. The Hunter College email account should always be set to the “Business” email type, and the “Preferred” box should be checked.
General Information
- Setup Outlook (and other clients)
- Setup Mobile phone
- Configure rules, i.e. Block sender
- Configure Autoreply
- Configure shared calendars
- Cleanup mailbox
- Mail storage
- Junk/Spam
- Report phishing
Your Hunter College email (Office 365) password is your CUNYfirst password. To change your email password, you will need to go to your CUNYfirst account and change your CUNYfirst password.
Changing your Password:
- Log into your CUNYfirst account.
- Select the Forgot your Password link.
- Enter your CUNYfirst username or your 8-digit CUNYfirst Student ID number and then click OK.
- For security purposes, you must answer three of the five challenge questions you set up when you claimed your account.
- Once you have successfully completed the security questions, type in your new password, enter it again to confirm and then click OK. Be sure to follow the guidelines for a password.
- Once you’ve successfully changed your password, you will see a Change Password Success screen.
- If you weren’t able to change your password, be sure to completely close your browser window(s) and try to change the password one more time.
Note: Whenever you change your CUNYfirst password, your email password will change automatically. (Depending on the traffic volume on the CUNYfirst website, you may need to wait briefly for your password to synchronize up with your CUNYfirst and email account.)
- All usernames in CUNYfirst follow this pattern: Firstname.LastnameXX, where XX are the last two digits of your CUNYfirst Student ID number, i.e. Jane.Smith03.
- Passwords must be:
- Between eight and 12 characters long.
- Contain at least one uppercase letter.
- Have at least one numeric character (1, 2, 3, etc.) or special character (&, %, !).
- If you forgot your CUNYfirst username and your CUNYfirst Student ID number, then try to proceed as a “First Time User.” This will not create a new account, but will simply replace your previous account.
- If you forgot your CUNYfirst username and your CUNYfirst Student ID number, and have tried to proceed as a “First Time User” but still can’t log into your account, then faculty/staff should contact the Faculty and Staff Help Desk at 212-772-4357; students should contact the Student Help Desk at 212-650-3624.
A user may request the creation of an email account for a person not affiliated with Hunter.
Request an Email AccountA user may request a listserv account which is primarily used for mass mailing.
Request a ListServ- Choose a strong password and change it often.
- Look at the sender email address, not just the name, before opening it.
- Read CUNY email policy guidelines.
- Do not open attachments, follow links, or respond to unknown senders.
- Report phishing/scams to Help Desk.
- Never share your password or other personal information with anyone (ICIT will never ask you for it).
- Don’t give your email to the sites you don’t trust.
Email FAQs
Students - your email address follows this formula: CUNYfirst username followed by, e.g.,
Faculty and Staff - your main email account is your CUNYfirst account: (## being the last 2 or 3 digits of your EMPLID). This account contains two Hunter College email alias records. Mail can be received and sent from your FirstName.LastName followed by, e.g., or your Hunter NetID followed by, e.g.,
Your email password is your CUNYfirst password. Whenever you change your CUNYfirst password, your email password will change automatically. (Depending on the traffic volume on the CUNYfirst website, you may need to wait briefly for your password to synchronize up with your CUNYfirst and email account.)
Yes. The Technology Resource Center (TRC) will provide training. See the TRC schedule.
CUNY security policy does not allow for the automatic email forwarding to another account. As an alternative, you can easily synchronize your new email on your smart phone or tablet. Documentation is available on how to do so as well as other alternatives.
You will continue to use your NetID for Hunter services such as wireless access, registering for campus events, off-campus access to library resources, computer labs, etc.