At Hunter College, all provisioned telephone lines include access to voicemail. Here's how to access it from any location and listen to your messages.
Hunter College performed essential network maintenance. If you are experiencing connectivity issues, please contact the Helpdesk at or (212) 772–HELP (x14357).
Voicemail Instructions
- Dial (212) 396- MAIL (6245).
- Enter your 5-digit extension (example 14357).
- Enter your password and then press #.
Note: if you do not know your PIN/password, please contact the Help Desk and request a reset.
After accessing your voicemail box, follow these instructions.
- Press 3 to listen to your messages.
- Press # to skip the next message or * to fast-forward during the messages.
- Press 6 to delete the message.
- To continue, press #. If done, hang up.
- Go to:
- Input your User ID, which is your 5-digit extension.
- Type in your PIN/password (the same password used to check your voicemail messages on your desk phone). Note: if you have never accessed your voicemail through the web-app, you might be prompted to type in a new 8-digit password. This password will only be used this one time.
- Once you are logged in, you will see a left-side navigation. Select Mail Client and then Inbox.
- In the Inbox section, select the message Subject to listen.
- On this screen, you can choose to play it on the computer by clicking on Play. You can play it on your desk phone or another desk phone on campus by clicking on Play on Phone and typing in the 5-digit extension.
- To continue listening to your messages select Continue (or Play on Office Phone). Once you have selected an option, click on Play once more to listen to your messages.