Hunter students and faculty can borrow equipment such as laptops, printers and tablets free of charge and get technical support through Hunter's Audio Visual Department and Help Desk.
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Hunter College performed essential network maintenance. If you are experiencing connectivity issues, please contact the Helpdesk at or (212) 772–HELP (x14357).
Hunter students and faculty can borrow equipment such as laptops, printers and tablets free of charge and get technical support through Hunter's Audio Visual Department and Help Desk.
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Laptops are available to Hunter students on loan for one semester at a time. Students must be enrolled for the term in which the loan is being requested.
Please review the eligibility criteria and participation terms on the request form. After submitting your request, a staff member will contact you with additional details.
Students may borrow equipment, at no charge, to support their Hunter College classes, clubs, organizations or events with permission of the course instructor, staff mentor or department head.
Hunter's Audio Visual (A/V) Department does restrict the use of its equipment to the college campus. Requests for equipment use off-campus will be reviewed individually on a case-by-case basis by the A/V director or manager. Equipment is not provided for the personal use of employees, students or the public.
Equipment is loaned for the length of time needed. Typically, that is a day or two but can be longer if the situation warrants it. This is for two reasons:
The A/V Department does not provide equipment to the public. The only non-Hunter college events A/V supports occur on the Hunter campus and are scheduled and billed by the Office of Central Reservations.
The person who borrows equipment is responsible for returning it on time and undamaged:
Equipment may be returned during A/V’s business hours. In the event A/V is closed during the time of your scheduled return, the equipment must be returned the following business day, in which case the equipment must be kept in a double lock room.
Laptops are loaned for:
Laptops are not loaned for:
Because laptops are such an appealing theft-target, users are required to personally pick up a laptop when borrowing it. The A/V staff will not deliver laptops to classrooms unless the student or instructor has a physical impairment.
Request a Student Laptop/Tablet LoanLaptops are available to Hunter students on loan, for one semester at a time. You must be enrolled for the term in which the loan is being requested.
Please visit Emergency Support and Resources for more details.
Request a Student Laptop/Tablet LoanHunter purchases a computer (laptop/desktop) for each new full-time faculty member, lecturer and doctoral lecturer on a certificate of continuous employment (CCE) eligible track at the beginning of her/his appointment. While the computer remains the property of the college, the computer is dedicated to the exclusive use of the faculty member as long as s/he is employed at Hunter College. This machine is supported by Instructional Computing and Information Technology (ICIT).
Please note that any purchase made with college funds remains the property of Hunter College including computers, peripherals and electronic devices.
Some faculty members' teaching and research warrants computing power beyond the standard configuration. Upgrades and additional computers will be approved on the basis of pedagogical/research need and the added costs must be funded from departmental funds (the central budget only covers the standard configuration).To request an upgrade, email the Hunter College Help Desk at with a simple statement of the research/pedagogical need and the funding source. Once approved, ICIT will authorize the order and installation.
Pre-approval is also required to purchase peripherals that are already provided centrally by the college (printers, scanners, copiers, etc.) as well as all other electronic mobile devices (iPods, iPod Touches, etc.).
For faculty members whose teaching and research warrants a tablet computer, including iPads, the approval and purchase process is the same as for upgrades and additional equipment. As with all other purchases made with college funds, the tablet/iPad remains the property of the college.
PC Desktop
Dell OptiPlex 7400 AIO Series (All-in-One)
PC Notebook
Dell Latitude 14 5400 Series Laptop
Mac Desktop
Apple iMac Desktop 24-inch with Retina 4K display
Mac Notebook
13/14-inch MacBook Pro
For desktop/laptop problems, please gather the information below. Then contact the Help Desk and an agent will submit your request. Once this information has been received, the agent will assign the ticket to the appropriate team.
Please provide the Help Desk with the following information:
For printer problems, please gather the information below. Then contact the Help Desk and an agent will submit your request. Once this information has been received, the agent will assign the ticket to the appropriate team.
Please provide the Help Desk with the following information: