Refer Your Students to Us
Providing accommodations to students with disability(s) is contingent upon students' self-identification and submission of documentation to the Office of AccessABILITY.
If a student who has not registered with our office requests accommodations from you, you should refer the student to the Office of AccessABILITY. This will ensure that all accommodations needed by the student, some of which may not relate to the classroom, will be addressed by our office.
Any information about a student's disability is confidential, and should only be communicated to the Office of AccessABILITY. The student can decide to whom they will disclose this information, and at what point during the semester. However, should the student decide to use accommodations at any point, they must follow the program deadlines and processes to ensure timely services.
Please note that faculty members are only responsible for providing accommodations that are approved by the Office of AccessABILITY.
Common Accommodations Available to Students
This list is not exhaustive, and other accommodations may be needed.
Testing Accommodations
Each student who is approved to receive testing accommodations must submit a Testing Arrangement Form at least two weeks prior to his/her exam. The form must be filled out and signed by the instructor providing the office appropriate instructions on the delivery /pickup of the exam. Scheduling Testing Accommodations are the student's responsibility.
Classroom Accommodations
Students registered with the office of AccessABILITY may be allowed various classroom accommodations to ensure parity and access to class materials. Classroom accommodations may include preferential seating, course materials in an alternate format, recording devices, personal laptop/computing devices, sign language interpreters/CART services, use of SmartPen or a note-taker. The students are required to request classroom accommodations prior to the start of each semester to ensure timely arrangements.
Classroom Accessibility
When the classroom is not accessible due to any factor such as location, lighting, sound, etc. and there are no other sections offered with the same content in an accessible classroom, the institution is obligated to change the location of the classroom to allow the student remain in the course, unless the student decides to postpone taking the class.