The support for academic adjustments provided by the Office of AccessABILITY is based upon current supporting medical, educational and/or psychological documentation. All documents are kept confidential and will only be used for support and accommodation purposes.
The Office of AccessABILITY will ensure that a reasonable accommodation does not alter the essential nature of an academic task and does not pose an undue administrative or financial burden.
Additionally, an accommodation cannot compromise the essential elements of a course or curriculum, nor can it weaken the academic standards or integrity of a course. Academic adjustments provide an alternative way to accomplish the course requirements by eliminating or reducing disability-related barriers.
Hunter College is not required to provide academic adjustments, or auxiliary aids and services, if such provisions would fundamentally alter the nature of the program or the academic requirements considered essential to a program of study, or to meet licensing requirements.
- Please see the Documentation Guidelines for more information regarding the admission requirements.
If you have any questions regarding the Office of AccessABILITY, please contact us directly.