Reasonable Accommodations: A Faculty Guide to Teaching Students with Disabilities
This booklet provides an overview of disability law, universal design in learning, technology in the classroom, types of disability, sample syllabus statements, and other topics.
ADA and 504 Laws and Regulations
Learn how these two federal laws, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA of 1990, provide the essential legal mandate for higher education for American students with disabilities.
Nine Cases that have Shaped Disability Services in Higher Education
These brief abstracts explain the legal history of disability services in higher education, beginning with a Supreme Court decision in 1979.
Hunter College Emergency Support and Resources
These resources for students include emergency funding, unemployment assistance, food assistance, laptop and mobile hotspot loans, and information about low-cost or subsidized internet and wifi services.
Guide for Job Seekers & Workers with a Disability
From Moneygeek, this guide educates disabled workers and job-seekers about the rights afforded to them by federal and state governments. You will find tips for job-hunting, advice on staying gainfully employed, and suggestions to help you talk with an employer about making reasonable accommodation.
Guide for People With Disabilities: Programs for Low-Cost Internet, Mobile Plans, and Digital Literacy
The internet is for everyone, including an estimated over one billion people living with some form of disability. Affordability is just one of many barriers to reliable internet access for people with disabilities. A disproportionate percentage of people with disabilities have low incomes and limited opportunities to acquire technological assistance. According to the World Health organization, people with disabilities are also disproportionately affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. This guide explains how people with disabilities can receive low-cost internet and cellphone services, and how to get free low-cost devices and enroll in programs that foster digital literacy. Published by In My Area.
Guide for Students With Learning Disabilities
Pursuing higher education is exciting and stressful for every college-bound student, but it can be more challenging for those with learning disabilities. It's important that students who learn and think differently know how to get the additional support they may need. This is an extensive planning guide for students with learning disabilities to ensure they understand their rights, potential accommodations, and scholarships available specifically to them.