Procedures and Formats
Alternate Format Text Request Procedures
Before submitting any requests, please encourage students to check the Hunter College Bookstore’s web site to see if any of their texts are already available in a digital format. This would save the student time and effort, and the digital version may be less expensive.
Some publishing companies also offer the option of purchasing the textbook in digital format from their own websites. Ask the student to look under “all formats” on sites such as Amazon and other websites. There may be a digital format or an audio download available which may cost less than traditional print formats.
How to Request Books in Alternate Format
Eligibility and service is based upon disability and documentation. All students must be found eligible before referral is made.
Requirements Necessary Regardless of Formatting
As long as the text is required for the course, there is no limit to the number of texts that students can request.
The student needs to complete two forms:
1. The Alternate Format Agreement Form (PDF)
2. The Alternate Format Request Procedures
How the student’s request is processed
- The text and student information is collected.
- The request is put into the AMXDB (Alternate Media Exchange Database), which helps to search the nationwide database for the title.
- The text is requested from the publisher in case it is unavailable from the database.
Once the file is obtained, it is then available for other similar text requests. In addition to Hunter College and other CUNY campuses, other nationwide students that are part of AMXDB can use these files.
Please note, although many blind and visually impaired students have the necessary software on their computers at home, some students may rely on Access Center’s equipment to access their text.
Please contact the Access & Technology Center, Room 300, North Building, with all your questions regarding requesting texts in alternate format, 212-772-5478.